
News > Report Supports Green Building to Save Energy, Environment, Money

Report Supports Green Building to Save Energy, Environment, Money

Report Supports Green Building to Save Energy, Environment, Money
originally posted on March 15, 2012 by Mechanical Insulator

Inside Climate News recently reported on a report issued by Architecture 2030, a building sector research and advocacy group, asserting that “the greening of the U.S. building sector is on track to deliver far more energy savings than government officials predicted only a handful of years ago, with important implications for the country’s energy and climate picture.”

As the Mechanical Insulation Industry Professionals have always maintained, building green and upgrading building systems to be green saves energy, the environment and costs — which is supported by this report.

Importantly, there is no better way to build green than to make Mechanical Insulation a major part of building construction. In this way, the Architecture 2030 report supports MIIP’s calls for the use of mechanical insulation in the construction of all buildings.

In the article, Skip Laitner, an economist at the American Council for an Energy-Efficiency Economy, said he believes that “Architecture 2030′s overall claim that green buildings will produce national efficiency gains has a sturdy foundation.”

To read the article, click here.

This report also further supports Legislation to Reward Mechanical Insulation Use Must Move Forward, such as U.S. House Resolution 2866 and U.S. Senate Bill 1526, “Mechanical Insulation Installation Incentive Act of 2011.”

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